
 (2020-05-13 04:49:50)

Aiden 一直说自己害怕黑暗(dark),所以晚上一直都是爸妈陪着他,直到进入梦乡。过五岁生日以后,小朋友本来要计划试试自己睡觉,但退缩了:”妈妈,我觉得我还会害怕黑暗。“爸妈没有逼他 — 套用姥姥的话说,娃儿迟早会不跟你睡的,急啥? –继续陪着。





能自己睡觉了,但小朋友跟爸爸商量说隔几天要一个relieve night,要妈妈陪着睡。轮到relieve night时,他会开心地抱着妈妈睡,睡前还不忘记问:”妈妈,你会一晚上都在吧?“ 妈妈先说会,后来告诉他”如果他占了太多空间,妈妈没地方睡了会离开。不过他可以随时在妈妈卧室找到妈妈。“ 小朋友也没有反对。


周末时爸爸不舒服,早早睡了。妈妈一边带着Aiden洗漱,一边心里打鼓:不是relieve night的时候,妈妈一般都会躲开,让爸爸安排Aiden睡觉。今天不知道会不会顺利呢? 


没等妈妈话音落毕,Aiden接口:不是relieve night。明天是relieve night。


Aiden坐起来,亲热地抱抱妈妈,然后放开:mom, good night!







 (2020-05-13 04:25:13)





吃完饭了,爸爸再次提醒他要写作业。小朋友一字一板地说: 我觉得吃了饭我要去电脑上玩的!一溜烟上了楼……



 (2020-05-12 05:24:08)

Aiden的电脑上装的是youtube kids,而且不能搜索。不知道从什么时候开始,Aiden找到了一个窍门:在妈妈电脑上搜索自己想看的视频看。




Aiden:mom, can you search for “galaxy size”?


Aiden指着旁边的几个推荐视频:can I watch this and that video?

Mom: 好。

过一会儿, Aiden开口了:mom, I love this one! This will be the last one.

再过一会儿,妈妈提醒他:this is the last one, you said that.

Aiden指着旁边一个视频: can I watch this one if it is less than 10 minutes?

Mom: ..en.. this would be the last last one!

Aiden: maybe I can watch it if it’s less than 20 minutes?


 (2020-05-12 04:07:57)

昨天晚饭后,Aiden和健健去用电脑。但没过几分钟Aiden就下楼来了,跟妈妈说:“mom, something unusual happened.I can’t watch YouTube…” 妈妈跟他说上楼看,发现youtube kids 页面一直在闪。Aiden又轻轻告诉妈妈:”it happened yesterday. Baba fixed it.” 于是妈妈抓了爸爸来当差,按照老办法从历史记录里找出来一个视频看,解决了页面闪的问题。

今天一早去用电脑,问题又出现了,用老办法还没法解决。爸爸正在那里帮忙试各种办法,Aidrn说话了:“我可以玩玩游戏。” 于是小朋友兴高采烈地打开一个小游戏网站玩去了!



 (2020-04-04 23:07:37)

去年8月份,妈妈写了敏感的Aiden ,大半年过去了,Aide敏感依旧。

Aiden:Mom, I am 5, and grandma is 72.  How old will grandma be when I am 25?

mom: let me see..en.. she would be 92.

Aiden:  .. Will she pass away at that time?

mom: no. grandma is healthy, she can live over 100 years!

Aiden: mom, I love this house, more than 906 .. street.

mom: this house is bigger for play, and it is ours! everyone loves his house which he lived in his childhood..lots of fun memory.

Aiden: will we still live in this house after I grow up?

mom: we might move to a different house, maybe in Canada.

Aiden: Can I still live with you then? I want to live with you forever.

Mom:  you are always welcome to live with dad and mom.

Aiden 在研究他的掌纹,很兴奋地告诉妈妈哪条是生命线,哪条标志着你什么时候结婚,有几个孩子。妈妈看着他,想着多年以后自己一定会回忆他小时候的可爱模样, 情不自禁地跟Aiden说:I will always remember what you look like in your childhood later when you grow up. you look so cute.

Aiden愣了一下,开始抹眼泪:when I grow up, will you die?

mom知道这下又捅了马蜂窝,赶紧补救:Aiden,mom will live forever, even after you grow up. 


mom只好转移话题:I still remember the days when Jason was 5 years old. At that time, you were still in mom’s tummy. Jason wanted to sleep with mom at night, and I explained that he might kick mom’s tummy then hurt the baby…he promised me that he would not. after your were born, Jason visited you in the hospital, he didn’t dare to touch you until we told him he could. he loves you!

Aiden终于被引开了: he loved me at that time, but he doesn’t love me now!…

Aiden: “mom, do you know where is the person living second longest”?

mom: “…”.

Aiden: “Japan”.

Aiden: “the first longest person is in France, he is 120 years old.”

mom: “wow! great!  When mom is 120 years old, how old will you be?”

Aiden 开始抹眼泪,小声说:“mom, I want you to be this age..”

妈妈知道Aiden又“入沟”了,跟他解释:“aiden, aging is not that bad. the important thing is that we enjoy our life at each age.”

但小朋友显然不买这一套,继续坚持:“I don’t want you to be old.”

妈妈只好放弃,又开始转移注意力:Aiden, how many languages you have learned? …


 (2020-04-06 00:09:06)









各国的国旗以及hello对应的句子, 小朋友请妈妈帮忙打印了剪下来,给每个小三角形编号,然后贴在四处。





自己写食谱 。


 (2019-08-25 11:49:49)

Aiden: I don’t want the sun to become a red giant (他最近在看天文方面的书,知道很多年后太阳会变大,吞噬周围的行星)……

mom: we can go to the other planets, which are far away from the sun.

Aiden: Saturn? It’s cold.

mom: maybe other planets in another solar system?  Aiden, you don’t have to worry about this, the adults, the astronomers will plan this.

Aiden: Then, we need space suits.. will there be kids’ space suits?

mom: yes… at that time, you will have already grown up to be an adult.

Aiden: how about our house? will it be swallowed?

mom: well.. I don’t know. but we will have new house on the new planet.

Aiden: Can I bring DVD there? will there be food, library?

mom: Absolutely!


mom正在洗碗,赶紧过来坐在他旁边:”we are faraway from the blackhole, that is not going to happen.”

Aiden不理会:” I will miss my family..”

mom发挥自己的想象力:“the black hole is way big, if it is there, the whole house, the whole city will be sucked in ,maybe the whole united states.. so we will be still together.”

Aiden暂时不管黑洞了,又开始担心太阳的衰老:” when the sun is a red darf, it will swallow the earth.. we will be burnt..”

mom: no. what the book doesn’t tell you is that the sun will be smaller at that time, so it doesn’t have enough gravity to pull earth, so the earth will be far away from the sun, not going to be swallowed.

Aiden: no, a red giant means it is bigger, not smaller.

mom只好搬出了密度的概念:with the same size, a rock is heavier or a balloon?

Aiden: a rock.. en, the sun will be a red giant balloon, so it will be not will not orbit it and will go in a straight line, until it finds another sun.

mom正要让自己brain storm的大脑休息一下, Aiden又说话了: what if there is a black hole on the way? the earth will be sucked in..

mom: it doesn’t matter, it’s the entire each, u.s will be there, and china will be there. our house will be there too!

Aiden: there will be no light..

mom: light can be sucked in too.. remember that even the light is not able to escape from the black hole.. and we have flash lights!

Aiden: It will be cold, there is no sun there.

mom: our house is warm enough. when we want to go out, we will wear our winter suits, like what’s in the winter.

Aiden: will there be air?

mom: yes, air will be sucked in too!

Aiden想了一会儿,没有再问新问题,注意力明显转移了, 问妈妈上学的事情。妈妈暗自舒了一口气:我的宝宝,今天应该可以做个好梦了!

Aiden: en


 (2019-06-05 11:27:17)


学校给每个孩子在学校庆祝生日的机会。如果生日是在暑假,则会庆祝half birthday。现在已经是一个学年快要结束的时候,Aiden小同学也早就等不及自己的生日了 — 扳着指头数日子,有时候问妈妈,能不能给我也庆祝一个half birthday?

健健生日的时候主动要求妈妈做一些米糕(rice crispy)带到学校。所以Aiden觉得自己也要带米糕去:) 因为想写字上去,这次妈妈发挥创造力,做了一个圆形的米糕,切成16块,装在一个买来的蛋糕盒子里面。Aiden很高兴,跟妈妈一起设计了上面需要写的字,还很认真地在盒子上贴满了paw patrol的sticker。


原来计划周末在家里庆祝,但看着Aiden这么兴奋,实在舍不得让他多等几天。妈妈忙里偷闲准备了生日装饰,提前买了做冰激淋蛋糕的原料,张罗起来一个paw patrol风格的party!


妈妈也感慨:“5年前的这个晚上, you came to the world from mom tommy!”

Aiden: “was I crying when I came out? ” 等妈妈确认以后,Aiden继续:“because I didn’t want to come to this world!”


Aiden拉着妈妈:“mom, I am five… but am still afraid of dark. I want to sleep with you…”

妈妈: ”sure… but mom misses my big bed. can dad and mom take turns to sleep with you?“

Aiden:”but I am afraid of dad too…we can go to the big bed together if you miss the big bed..”