Aiden十岁啦(3)- 睿智

四年级有math team,每周四下午在学校练习或者考试。Aiden学的很好,最后还拿了一个大奖牌,四年级只有他一个。上周老师发给他,小朋友很高兴,放学的路上就迫不及待地拿出来给妈妈看:妈妈,这是national的!


他小时候对死亡这个话题很敏感。上幼儿园满100天时学校有个活动,让大家扮成100岁的样子。aiden那时很抗拒这个活动,说100岁很老,让他想到了死亡。但现在则不然。妈妈有天问他想不想be inmortal(长生不老),他回答说:I don’t want to be immortal. Millions years later, earth could be destroyed , I don’t want to see that.

春假去st Louis玩,在酒店楼梯里跟一家人聊了几句,互相道别。出了电梯Aiden跟妈妈说:How many random people do you talk to in your life then you don’t see them any more. 可不是吗,生命中多少人跟我们一面之缘或者相处一段时间,然后此生就再不见面了。我最近有时候偶然会回想以前见过的人,也不知道他们怎么样了,但aiden居然在这个年纪就发出了这样的感悟。

Aiden练音乐时经常和爸爸有争执。小朋友跟妈妈说:Dad should be grateful I am above average playing music. But he is mad at me when I am not good at . If I am below average then he is expected to be mad.

Aiden十岁啦(2)- 忙碌




放学回来,有时候去操场上,或者跟朋友玩一会儿,或者给妈妈展示自己的本领。进门了则直扑自己的枪库,lego枪,nurg枪,还有最近买的m14塑料枪,上膛,拉栓,玩得 不亦乐乎。妈妈有时候不得不提醒他要早点去练音乐,然后用电脑,这样晚饭前还有可能有一个小时的电脑时间。



Aiden 10岁啦(1)- 睡觉

这一两年来,妈妈不怎么陪Aiden床上睡觉,但基本上会在床边握着他的手,等他睡差不多了,再过自己房间来。小朋友也一直说妈妈握着他的手的话,feel secure,睡得安心。


再后来,收拾好以后,Aiden亲亲妈妈的脸,跟妈妈说晚安,有时候还问:will you come back?妈妈有时候说会来,有时候则太累了就不来。他也习惯了自己入睡。




Aiden准备睡觉,到妈妈卧室来:mom, I want you to hold my hand.

Mom: Sure. How about you hold my hand, on the floor, like what mom usually does ?

AIden哈哈大笑,觉得比较不好办。想了想,给妈妈出了个主意:you have dad. You can let dad hold your hand.

mom:Mom would be more happy to have two hands held.

Aiden: I want YOU hold my hand!

妈妈拉起Aiden的手:hold, this way?



Aiden: can you hold my hand?

Aiden 现在晚上可以自己睡觉,不过睡觉前希望爸妈陪着:mom,can you hold my hand for some time? ..I feel more comfortable to sleep if you hold my hand. 大部分的晚上、妈妈都会在床边握着小朋友的手,陪着他睡着,如果顾不上或者太困了,小朋友也很理解,会自己睡觉。

昨天周六。晚上aiden照旧很忙。玩枪,✍️中文作业,练vocal,画地图,看书,忙里偷闲吃了个点心,要用哪吒时间(妈妈给他抹cream的时间他一般看哪吒)写地图board game的游戏规则。


闹钟响了,Aiden过来:Mom, I want you to hold my hand.

Mom: Sure. How about you hold my hand, on the floor, like what mom usually does?

Aiden哈哈大笑,觉得很为难。看了一眼旁边的爸爸:dad can hold your hand.

爸爸握住了妈妈一只手,妈妈把另外一只手给Aiden:Mom would be happier to have two hands held.

Aiden:I want YOU hold my hand.

妈妈握住了Aiden的手:I hold your hand. this way?


爸爸不忍,起来走到Aiden房间,跟小朋友说爸爸可以陪陪他。Aiden很开心,跟爸爸嘀咕:mom is funny!




aiden点头同意。又补充说:I will do this to my kids.)

Aiden: where is the lip balm?


一开始他还听我们的话,喝水,涂唇膏。这几天很抗拒。周一放学回来,说嘴疼,妈妈说要不涂点唇膏?小朋友嗓门一下大了:Lip balm hurts! Did I you hear?… when I drink water, it only help for 10 seconds! …Lip balm, It might help long term, short term it hurts!

妈妈解释说嘴膏不治病,但会keep moisture,但既然hurt,还是算了,还是看看医生吧。村里的诊所正好今天walk in的人不多,妈妈就在网上约了下午5:10的时间。







周二大雪,没去上学,所以是自然醒。醒来跑妈妈卧室去看妈妈:mom, smell my lips… I just put lip balm on!


妈妈问:does lip balm hurt?

Aiden: No!

Mom: why do you use lip balm?

Aiden: I believe it will help! .. do my lips look more moist?


—- update on January 17th



Aiden: I wish I can have a new computer

One day in November.

Aiden: I wish I can get a new computer. It’s laggy when I play games.

Mom: oh? How many of games are laggy?

Aiden: Half of them, maybe less than half. Some are my favorite games.

The following Sunday, on the way to Chinese school., with his friend Ryan.

Aiden: I wish my parents can get me a new computer.

Ryan: wow. That would be great. How much your parent need pay for that?

Aiden: I don’t know. Maybe one thousand?

Across November and December. Occasionally, ——

Aiden: Mom, when can you get the new computer? What timeframe? Can we get one before Christmas?

Mom: I find one in Costco. But it’s out of stock now.


Aiden: Mom, I find a game which does not require a fast computer so I can play before I get the new computer.

Mom: Is the game in Roblox too?

Aiden: Yes. But mom, I still need the new computer. I Will want to play those favorite games.


Aiden: how is the computer? Last time you said it’s out of stock, how is it now?

Mom: still out of stock. I will check Costco every day.

Aiden: do you think we can get a computer by mid January? How long usually Costco gets restock? I will research…(google).. there is no answer for that.

On December 18th(Monday), the computer on Costco online is back in stock and on sale. Mom immediately placed an order. At snack time at night—-

Mom: the computer is in stock in Costco today.

Aiden: yeah! Will you go Costco? ..oh, you bought online? When it can arrive?

After mom confirmed that it would arrive on Thursday, Aiden was so excited that he ran from the dining table to the sofa, jump on, cheering: Finally I can play my ** game!

On December 21, after school, in computer room.

Mom: any difference you saw?

Aiden: ..some cable on my desk?

Mom (pointed to the desktop): touch the button.

Aiden: Oh? You got a desktop? I thought a laptop. How much does it cost? Oh.. (the lights in the box) is it RGB?

On Friday, early release. We invited Ryan to play at home.

Aiden: I got a new computer! Do you want to see?

Ryan: sure.

2023暑假— Aiden

暑假Aiden参加了一个lego programming的课,为期一周。剩下的时间基本上在家里混。

睡得晚,起得也晚,基本上9点多钟醒来。醒来了在ipad上看一会video。如果妈妈去看他,时不时问妈妈一些问题:What video do you like? I have a good video to show you..,



用magic stick做各种物体。



国家flag ball的对话。


有时候妈妈会在他玩得时候去练会儿钢琴,他会友情提醒:don’t eat when playing piano… go wash your hand before playing..

妈妈每月付他6块钱,让他教妈妈钢琴。他很开心有了一个学生,说下次看到ms jenny要告诉她,又跟妈妈说:when you learn more, maybe when you can play fur Elise, I don’t know how to teach you, I might need send you to Ms Jenny so you can learn more.



snack time,则是固定的中文时间,跟妈妈一起看西游记,如果littlw fox有更新,就去看新集,如果没有,就继续看电视剧。小朋友看的很认真,经常让妈妈翻译里面的人说什么话了。

Aiden: My favorite thing about spring break

Going vacation with my family. First, we went to several different hotels, then finally got to comfort inn in Virginia. From there, we went to Washington DC. I saw the Washington monument, the I.s. Capitol, and other landmarks. Then, we went to New Jersey, and from there we went to New York City. I saw the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, and other landmarks. Last, we went to Ohio Caverns and then went home.



Aiden学钢琴两年,小提琴一年。他对音乐有相当高的领悟能力,加上爸爸督促练习,走到哪里都是一片喝彩声。这个年纪,只要肯练习,倒是比较容易出彩。令人意外的是,他天生对表演不紧张。去年学校的老师知道他弹钢琴,每次音乐课结束之前让他给同学们弹一曲,他每次都照办。还跟妈妈说这没啥。每年两次的recital,还有music young star,要在一个大舞台上弹琴。他上台前不好好准备,上台时信手弹来。表演前的练习,爸爸紧张兮兮,人家一点都不紧张,该错还错:)


去年跟着两位老师去附近一个art center拉小提琴,意外收获了一张20块的支票,外加一大袋奶酪。自那以后,有了用音乐养家的概念。晚上跟妈妈闲聊:“mom,等我很world famous了,我去开演奏会,每张票卖100块。那时咱家就有钱了!”妈妈也跟着憧憬:说不定那时可以卖1千块呢。不过要world famous,要很努力呢。Aiden说:“那就先us famous,state famous。妈妈,我现在是不是county famous了?”

刚结束的young music star,压轴的是Aiden老师以前的一个学生。他老师开玩笑跟Aiden说,等Aiden长大了也回来做guest player。Aiden很开心,回来跟妈妈说:我这次就要到ms Jenni(他以前的钢琴老师)recital做guest player了,从小做起:)